Uncovering the Mermaid Facts in the Book of Scholars
- 24/07/2020
- Posted by: Mazfaa
- Category: Uncategorized
This discussion, we will be different from other mainstream discussions, because what we will discuss is the islamic religious view is related to the Mermaid, starting from its existence, form, Apparently, the law married her and ate her. From in the past when technology was not as advanced as it is now stories about its existence is very widely scattered, it will even be very easy for us to find nowadays animations or films that depict the figure of a beautiful woman this half-human, half-fish, no wonder the children are even Even the old ones will be very familiar with this one creature.
Mermaids have a different designation in each place, Mami Wata of West and central Africa; Russalki (Rusalka) of Russia and Ukraine; and Merrow of Irish. While in The book of Ajwibah Az-Zarqani is called Admiyatul Bahr or sea man. In the book of Hasyiyah Al-Bujairimi it is called Banaatul Ruum. In the book of Hayah Al-Hayawaan it is called Insanul Ma' and Syaikul Bahr for the male and Shaikh Fauzan called it Hurriyyah al-bahr or sea elf. Mermaids believed to be as a mythological creature of half-human and half-human marine animals fish.The story of mermaids appearing in folklore of different cultures worldwide, covering the Near East, Europe, Africa, and Asia. In mythology Greek, mermaids are said to always flirt with negligent sailors; who only those who are tempted will meet their end. However, some scholars have opinions relating to mermaids. In The Book of Hayaah Al-Hayawan volume 1 page 46,
إنسان الماء يشبه الإنسان، إلا أن له ذنبا. قال القزويني: وقد جاء شخص بواحد منها في زماننا، مقدر كما ذكرنا. وقيل: إن في بحر الشأم، في بعض الأوقات من شكله شكل إنسان وله لحية بيضاء، يسمونه شيخ البحر، فإذا رآه الناس استبشروا بالخصب.
"The sea people are An animal that resembles a human, yet he has a tail. Al-Qazwaini said: 'There was someone who came with this animal in our day with a shape that we've mentioned'. And it is mentioned: Verily in the sea of the Levant in some time there was an animal whose shape resembled a human form and he had beard that is white, they named it 'Shaikh Al-Bahr'. If he is seen by men then they are happy." (Hayaah Al-Hayawaan 1/46).
Then what about the physical characteristics of mermaids? whether as depicted in the animations that she has a pretty face with The body is half-human and the other half is in the form of a fish. Explained in the book Hasyiyah Al-Bujairimi vol. 4 page 230
"Banaat Ar-Ruum is fish in the sea that resembles a female. She has long loose hair. The color is inclined to brown-brown, has a farj (pubic) and a breast. Able to talk yet incomprehensible, they laughed and burst out. Sometimes these fish were caught by sailors then married and returned again to the sea" (Tuhfah Al-Habib 'Alaa Syarh Al-Khatiib 4/325).
What's interesting is that again, so actually whether mermaids are humans or sea creatures that resemble humans? Because if he is a human then it applies anyway man's law on her is kosher to marry but if the mermaid is sea animals, then haram to marry but halal to eat. Imam Az-Zarqani explains in his book Ajwibah Az-Zurqani p. 46, Al-Imam Az-Zurqani Al-Maliki -rahimahullah-, he was asked: "Fairy If the sea is married by humans, whether the sea elves will be with humans that one day go to heaven?" He replied: "Sea elves include From among animals, it is not permissible to marry her. And if it is, then The culprit should be punished ta'dib/ta'ziir (a punishment that is not hadd because of a acts of toxicity and criminality). And the sea elves on the doomsday will became dust like other animals" (Ajwibah Az-Zurqani p. 46)
Then can it be eaten ?
Shaikh Fauzan once asked about the law of eating mermaids;
فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله : يذكر بعض المختصين بالأسماك في البحر أن هناك سمكة رأسها كرأس المرأة ولها شعر ووجه كوجه المرأة ، فهل يجوز أكلها , وهي ما يسمى بالحورية؟
"O shaikh who glorious -may Allah always give you a taufik-. There are some fishermen who are experts About fish mentions that in the sea there is a fish whose head is like a head The woman and her have a face like a woman's face. Is it okay to eat, and they named it "Huuriyah" (sea elf)?He replied:
فيه إنسان البحر فيه شيء من السمك على شكل إنسان يسمونه إنسان البحر يؤكل كل صيد البحر يؤكل ولو كان على شكل رجل أو شكل إمرأة نعم
"There is such a thing as a human being sea. There are fish that have a human-like shape that they name with sea people. Every sea animal that is hunted, it can be eaten even if it is in the form of a man or a woman. Na'am."
Shaikh Ibn Utsaimin, He has also been asked about this sea man and he said it is permissible to eat these marine animals by postulating from the Prophet's hadith about the sea that "He holy its waters and lawful all its animals" (HR. Ashes of David no. 83; Shahih as stated by Al-Albani).
Well, we can conclude that the existence of a mermaid is very likely to exist and be real, because it turns out that scholars have discussed it, but in this day and age we can hardly find it even because of the possibility that it has become extinct, and if you think about it, there could not be a picture of a mermaid today without the experiences and stories of the past. Wallahua'lam.