What is Hedonism?
- 14/02/2020
- Posted by: Mazfaa
- Category: Uncategorized
Hedonism is a a view of life that considers that material pleasures and pleasures are the main purpose of life. Hedonism occurs due to behavioral changes in a society that only wants pleasure. The behavior over time entrenched in the life of society including the youth who are ultimately become like a culture for their level of knowledge and education also greatly influences the formation of the mental attitudes of adolescents.
But unfortunately, sometimes all of these things are defeated by their low way of thinking in responding various issues. Many of the teenagers fled from the problem with hurricaning. It was this kind of habit that later became culture among teenagers. As for some of the negative impacts of hedonism culture i.e. promiscuity (promiscuous sex, clubbing and drug parties), individualism, matrealistic, irresponsible, lazy, undisciplined, corruption, plagiarism, and discrimination.
In anticipation of The negative impact of cultural hedonism on adolescents then it is necessary to do the way or the solution, namely by applying a simple lifestyle is one of the alternative options to eradicate the culture of hedonism among adolescents. Pattern Living simply in daily activities is necessary to manage finances teenagers so that the income that usually comes from parents is not small than the expenditure of production materials.
Material expenditure production here means capital in the form of material and non-material materil. Material materials are like money, while non-production materials material is in the form of other than money such as energy and means of transportation. Then How do we control those production materials in our lives everyday in campus society as well as in society outside of campus life? The answer lies in the paradigm of thinking teenagers themselves. This is where the practice comes in. real from the reference of thinking a teenager in controlling everything that became his top priority. Then indirectly the nature of hedonism is can be prevented by adolescents by controlling and thinking logically about all the risks that will be taken later.
Well, for now the style Life Hedonism has become a hobby by all circles.starting from teenagers who for example, like to buy and buy because of desire not because of need.then if any of his friends or neighbors have new things and branded famous,then began to be influenced and emphasized on himself to must have the item as well or even it must be better.then adults who also still can't restrain their lust so even though have a family but also continue to follow the trend of an increasingly lifestyle exaggerations, can even sacrifice to prefer to owe debts rather than his hedonistic lifestyle decreased.then also among the elderly who are affected by their families itself to be sued even though it is old but still has to be a wow style and luxurious.
Not even just people whose lives are identic free outside,but those whose lives in closed circles, for example among islamic boarding schools, there are also even many practice a lifestyle of hedonism in their environment.for example there are the teacher who is still young, then the teacher wears shoes and a bag that good and branded.then, students who really like to pay attention to the teacher his,fast or not,they the students will ask their parents to bought branded shoes and bags like those owned by his teacher. It is possible that the teacher follows the lifestyle of his students which is all-luxurious.
If already put it this way, what actions are we going to take as wise young women?
I.e. at least we start trying to reduce in our desires to not buying things or anything else because of actual desires such is not needed.then the next action begins to keep to do not have to own and wear items of luxury and branded value famous,because as long as the goods we have and we use keep having its function value,why should its grandiose
Life is as simple as perhaps, because living in the world is only for a moment.and God does not require us to living with the grandiose, but God requires us to always remember after living in this world there is another eternal phase of life that is with Remembering death is near and fast.
Well, please understand and applied our best measures not to live will be blind hedonism or westernized style whose impact is detrimental.let's start from the smallest, from ourselves and from now!
Nailah Sa'adah