- 07/02/2020
- Posted by: Mazfaa
- Category: Technology
God Subhanahu wa Ta'aalaa said which means:
"O people of faith, fulfill the contracts". Al- Maidah: 1
Deep another verse, God also says that Means:
"And keep the covenant with God when you promise". An- Nahl: 91
Prophet Shallahu 'alaihi Wasallam says which means:
"The characteristics of hypocrites are threefold: When speaking he lies, when he promises he does not keep, and when given the mandate he betrayed". (HR Al- Bukhori and Muslims)
Keeping promises is one of the obligations that every Muslim must perform.
Keeping promises also includes noble akhlaq which every believer should have, and he becomes one of the privileges that human-owned. Even according to Islam, the one who strips off this trait means to have matched the seeds, the seeds of hypocrisy in him.
Prophet Shallahu 'alaihi Wasallam says which means:
"The characteristics of hypocrites are threefold: if speaking he lies, when he promises he does not keep, and when given mandate he betrayed". (HR Al- Bukhori and Muslims)
Meaning The importance of the obligation to keep that promise is because it contains virtues and privileges. These include:
First: By keeping promises, we are left with hypocrisy. Because, one of the behaviors of hypocritical people is breaking promises.
"There is four (things) if there is in a person, he is a hypocrite pure. And whoever does one of those things, then to him There was a part of hypocrite, until he abandoned it. Four things it is when he speaks he lies, when he promises he disobeys, and abila given a mandate (trusted) he betrayed, and when hostile he persecution". (HR. Bukhori, Muslim, abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, and Nasai)
Second: keeping promises can be the way to enter Heaven Firadus.
God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said which means:
"And people who keep the mandates (which he bears) and his promises." (QS. Al-Mukminun:8)
Third: By keeping promises, we will be free from the demands of both the world and in the hereafter.
every promises will be held accountable. as Allah Subhanahu said wa Ta'ala which means: "and fulfill the real promise of the promise surely held accountable" (QS. Al-Isra':34)
fourth: by keeping promises, we emulate the nature of God who never breaks His promises, as He says:
"… (as) a true promise from God. God will not break His promises, but most people do not know."(QS. Ar-Rum:6)
Fifth: By keeping promises we will be trusted by others. Trust is the main capital in achieving good in the world and in the world.
Sixth: By keeping promises we will become a person of faith, not be harassed, and will gain good prejudice from others.
Seventh: By keeping our promises we will avoid great sins and will achieve primacy. Breaking the promises of fellow Muslims is haram, even against infidels. Thus, fulfilling a promise includes virtue, while denying it is a great sin.
Eighth: By occupying the promise, the interweaving between individuals will be harmoniously intertwined and tighter. Occupying a promise is a manifestation of glorifying, appreciating and respecting human beings.
Ninth: By keeping promises, we are classed as intelligent people. (QS. Ar-Ra'd:19-20)
tenth: by keeping our promises, we classify ourselves as the prophet Muhammad
"People who demeans the Believers and who promises but does not keep the promise is, then they are not my class and I am not of the class them."(HR. Muslim
Keep Promises have several virtues, among which are:
1.exempt from worldly difficulties
2.classified as a devout servant
3.get high position on God's side
4.grab paradise paradise
*Hopefully this simple description has its manfa'at for us including the servant of God who likes keeping promises in HIS rahmah and ridho
Ummu Aufa