QMD (Qurban Masuk Desa) and Baksos BEM STIQ Isy Karima
- 23/08/2015
- Posted by: Mazfaa
- Category: Uncategorized
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QMD and BAKSOS Eid al-Adha activities in 1435 H
This is an annual event held by BEM STIQ Isy Karima, and this activity is an program of defisi dakwah BEM STIQ Isy Karima, which is a new activity that it was the first time this was held in wonogiri sub-district,precisely in Jambe Village Hamlet Manjung Kec. Wonogiri and Jaten Hamlet, Mlokomanis Kulon Kec. Ngadirojo Kab. Wonogiri The events in this activity include:
1. Holding a competition for TPA/TPQ students
2. Open with TPA/TPQ students
3. Takbiran with the community and also takbir around the village
4. Slaughter of sacrificial animals with the community
5. Delivery of basic necessities to underprivileged communities