- 27/03/2020
- Posted by: Mazfaa
- Category: Uncategorized
At in the Qur'an there is a letter discussing ant animals, namely is found in the letter An-Naml in the order to 27 :
حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَىٰ وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ
"Until when they reached the valley of the ants said an ant : "O ants enter into your nests, that you may not be stepped on by Solomon and his soldiers, while they are unaware." (Qs. An-Naml : 18)
The word ant refers to an animal that develops into a type of insect. Ants are a type of insect, ants are insects belonging to the tribe Formicidae, the Hymenoptera people . It has more than 12,000 species in the world.
Ants can be found in all places of this earth, including the sahara desert and they are common in large numbers or form colonies.
According to Hamka, ants are very small animals that have a very strong personality and do not easily despair in doing anything.
According to Ibn Katsir Ants are a type of animal that lives in society and in groups. This animal has uniqueness such as sensory acumen and a very cautious attitude and a very high work ethic.
The body of an ant consists of three parts, namely the head, mesosoma (chest) and metasoma (abdomen). The morphology of ants is clear compared to other insects where there are also antennae, metapleural glands and the second abdominal part associated to the ant stalk forms a narrow waist (peduncle) between the mesosoma (part of the chest cavity and abdominal area) and metasomes (abdomen that lacks abdominal segments in the petiole). A petiole that can be formed by one or two nodes (only the second or the second and third abdominal segments of this segment can be realized).
Like which we already know that ants belong to strong animals that have privileges other than being written in the Qur'an. Here are the features of ants:
- Good communication system
Ant have good communication such as in search of new food sources Found. Then they call other ants with the liquid that they secretions in glands called pheromones. As the crowd around the food enlarges, pheromone secretion limits workers again. If the food is very small or far away, The finder adjusts the number of ants trying to reach the food by issued a gesture. If the food is large, the ants try more vigorously to leaving more traces, so that more ants from the nest are help the hunters. No matter what happens, there's never a problem in consumption of food and its transfer to the nest, because here there is "teamwork" which is perfect.
All communication categories the ones mentioned above can be grouped in the heading "Chemical Cues". Sign This chemistry plays the most important role in the organization of ant colonies. Semioemical is the common name of a chemical substance that ants use for the purpose of establish communication. There are basically two types of semioemical, namely pheromones and alomon.
Alomone is a substance used for intergene communication. However, as described earlier, pheromones are chemical cues that are mainly used in the same genus and when secreted by one ant can be kissed by another. This chemical substance is thought to be produced in the endocrine glands. When ants secrete this liquid as a gesture, others catch the message through smell or taste and respond to it. Research on ant pheromones has revealed that all cues are secreted according to the needs of the colony. In addition, the concentration of pheromones that ants secrete varies according to the emergency of the situation.
- Caste System
Members of the first caste are queens and male ants, which allows them to multiply. In one colony there can be more than one queen. Queen carrying out reproductive tasks to increase the number of individuals that make up colony. Its body is larger than that of other ants. Being on ant duty The male is simply fertilizing the queen. In fact, almost all of these male ants died after mating.
Member The second caste is warrior. They carry out tasks such as building colonies, find a new environment to live in, and hunt.
Caste The third consists of worker ants. All these workers are female ants who Sterile. They take care of the mother ant and its babies; cleaning and giving eat. In addition to all this, other work in the colony is also a responsibility the worker caste replied. They build new corridors and foyers for nests they; They are looking for food and constantly cleaning the nest.
Among the worker ants and warriors there are also subgroups. This subgroup was called slaves, thieves, nannies, builders, and gatherers. Each group has its own task. While one group focuses entirely on fighting enemies or hunting, another group builds a nest, and the other keeps a nest.
- Ideal headquarters
There are special departments for each task and everything is designed so that soldiers can work as easily as possible maybe. For example, this building has floors underground, but departments that require solar energy where it acquires sunlight with the largest possible angle. And the departments that must always be Interconnected are built very close together making it easy to access. Warehouses storing excess materials are also designed as departments separated on one side of the building. The location of the storage warehouses is convenient as well as easily accessible. And right in the middle of the building there is a large space where Everyone can get together.
The uniqueness of the headquarters is not only that. Although spacious, the building is uniformly heated. The temperature remains constant throughout the day thanks to a highly sophisticated central heating system. Another cause is the outer bulkhead which is very effective against any weather conditions.